Term Life Insurance Blogs

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4 Term Life Insurance Riders You Must Have
published on July 11, 2023

Think of Term Life insurance as a simple cheese pizza, offering essential coverage.  But what if you want to add some extra toppings to enhance the taste and make it more personalized? That’s where term life insurance riders come into play. Riders act as additional features or benefits that you can choose to add on top of your term insurance policy. These riders allow you to tailor your policy to meet your specific needs and provide comprehensive protection for you and your loved ones.

Let’s take a closer look at four must-have term life insurance riders.

4 Must-Have Term Life Insurance Riders

1. Critical Illness Rider

No one wants to think about the possibility of being diagnosed with a critical illness, but it’s important to be prepared. A critical illness rider provides coverage in the event that you are diagnosed with any specified critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or organ failure (broadly categorized). This rider ensures that you receive a lump sum payout if you are diagnosed with a covered illness, which can help cover medical expenses, and treatment costs, or even provide financial support during your recovery period.

2. Accidental Death Rider

Accidents can happen at any time, and the financial impact on your family can be devastating. An accidental death rider provides an additional death benefit in addition to the base life cover if you die as a result of an accident. This rider can provide extra financial security to your loved ones in the event of an unexpected and tragic accident, ensuring that they have the resources they need to move forward.

Consider Mr. Sharma, who has a term life insurance policy with a death benefit of ₹1 crore. Unfortunately, he passes away in a tragic accident. Without any riders, his nominee would receive the base coverage of ₹1 crore. However, Mr. Sharma had the foresight to add an accidental death rider to his policy, which provides an additional ₹1 crore coverage in case of death due to an accident. As a result, his nominee will receive a total of ₹2 crore as the death benefit, significantly enhancing the financial security of the family.

3. Waiver of Premium Rider

Life is full of uncertainties, and one of the biggest concerns for policyholders is the possibility of losing the ability to pay premiums due to a disability or illness. A waiver of premium rider comes to your rescue in such situations. If you become disabled or seriously ill and are unable to work, this rider waives your premium payments while keeping your policy active. It ensures that your coverage remains intact, providing peace of mind during difficult times.

4. Accidental Total Permanent Disability Rider

Accidents can not only result in death but also leave a person permanently disabled and unable to earn a living. An accidental total permanent disability rider offers financial protection if you become permanently disabled due to an accident. In such a scenario, this rider provides a lump sum payout that can help cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and ongoing living expenses.

Also Read:  How Does Term Life Insurance Work?

In conclusion, term life insurance riders act as the perfect add-ons to enhance the coverage and protection of your base policy, just like toppings on a pizza. They offer a wide range of benefits and cater to your specific needs, ensuring comprehensive coverage for you and your loved ones. It’s essential to carefully evaluate and choose riders that suit your circumstances, and for this, Elephant.in is your trusted personal insurance consultant.

Elephant.in offers you expert assistance to navigate through the rider options and select the ones that best fit your requirements. We offer the right term life insurance policies at the best prices, ensuring that you receive optimal coverage without overpaying.

With Elephant.in as your trusted insurance partner, you can have peace of mind, knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your family’s financial future.

Why wait? Feel free to explore Elephant.in!


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How your present health/lifestyle affects your Life Insurance Premium
published on April 25, 2022

The benefits and importance of life insurance can never be exaggerated. There is one important aspect that determines your premium. It’s your health and living a healthy lifestyle. Curious about how your current health status affects your insurance premium?

While calculating your insurance premium, several components and factors are considered by an insurer. Apart from the assured sum, health conditions have a significant impact on the cost of the premium you pay.

Without lowering the coverage or benefits of your life insurance there are other smart ways to bring down the cost of your premium. One of the cheapest and most effective methods is taking care of your health. Let’s dive deep into understanding how your life insurance premium is affected by your current health.

  • Preexisting medical conditions: You will have to pay more for your life insurance coverage if you suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other medical conditions that your insurer specifies. Never hide facts about your preexisting medical conditions because your claim may be rejected and your family won’t benefit from insurance after your death.
  • Medical History of your Family: Your insurer is also interested in your family’s medical history and not only your personal medical history. This will help them know if you are genetically predisposed to suffer from illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. If the answer is yes, then your term insurance premium increases.
  • Drinking Habits: Insurers will consider you to be at risk of serious kidney and liver diseases if you are a heavy drinker. This will increase your premium cost.
  • Smoking Habits: Smoking has a negative impact on every aspect of your life. Smokers are considered high-risk insurance by the insurer because there is a likelihood of claims due to disability, critical illness, or premature death. There is a notable difference between the insurance of smokers and non-smokers. The premium is 40-60% higher for a smoker as compared to non-smokers.

It seems harsh, but insurers have to calculate your life expectancy and risk profile based on your current health for a suitable premium amount of coverage. It would be unfair to those people maintaining good health were having the same sum assured, tenure policy, and are equally charged.

Whatever the type of insurance, buying it early will help save premium costs because health, and age are important factors that determine insurance costs. If you are planning to buy a term insurance plan we recommend you check the Elephant.in Page.

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How to reduce your Term Insurance Plan Premium?
published on December 15, 2021

A Term Insurance Plan should be an ideal addition to your financial portfolio. Unmatched financial security is provided by the plan, which is not provided by any other financial tool. You can select a high sum assured to cover the financial loss your family would suffer in case of your premature and untimely death At low premium costs.

Some of the tips to reduce premium rates on term life insurance policies:

  • Buy a plan when you are Young and Healthy:

Your Term Insurance plan premium depends upon your age when you buy the plan. The mortality risk increases as you grow older and determines the premium on your plans. When you delay buying a term insurance plan, the underlying premium rate increases; hence it is recommended that you should buy a plan when you are young.

  • Maintain Good Health and Lifestyle:

Additionally, Health and Lifestyle habits also determine the premiums under term life insurance policy. The premium will be high if you have any medical ailments or physical complications. The would-be increased too if you consume Tobacco the tip. This premium increase is with the underwriting assessment that medical ailments and lifestyle vices increase your mortality risk. Hence, the insurance company charges a higher premium to compensate for the higher inherent risk.

  • Choose a Longer Tenure:

The tenure under insurance features includes long coverage durations, which go as high as 40-50 years. If death occurs during the coverage tenure, the plan pays the benefit. The highest possible coverage duration should be selected as per experts’ advice when buying a term plan. You get for a more extended period, which increases the probability of claim payments for your nominees even after your retirement age and the premium amount outflow is lower. You don’t have to pay a higher premium afterwards for the same Sum Assured, these are the two benefits of choosing a long tenure.

  • Pay premiums Regularly and in an Annual mode:

Premium life insurance plans allow Limited and Regular premiums. When you pay premiums for a limited duration, they are little premiums. On the other hand, regular tips mean paying premiums throughout the tenure of the plan. Your premium rates would be lower compared to limited payments if you choose a recurring premium payment option.

  • Choose the correct Sum assured:

Your premium will be high if you buy a plan which has an unnecessarily high sum assured. Hence, you must be careful when selecting the Sum guarantee and ensure that the chosen coverage amount is neither very high nor too low.

  • Cut down on Frills and go for Basic Vanilla Cover:

Modern term insurance plans feature a lot of value-added features, which enhances the scope of the project. It would be best if you did not go overboard in selecting these value-added benefits. Inbuilt riders are useful additions, but other paid features are to be weighed in terms of the additional premium costs associated with it.

When choosing a premium life insurance, look out for the maximum possible discount to avail of and reduce your premiums by using these benefits.

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