5 Healthy habits to follow this festive season

As the joyous festival of Diwali approaches, it's essential to celebrate while keeping your health in mind. Here are 5 Healthy Habits to ensure a happy and wholesome.

Enjoy Diwali sweets and snacks in moderation, savoring each bite.

1. Mindful Eating

Incorporate family walks, yoga, or dance into your celebrations to stay active.

2 Stay Active

Opt for healthier cooking methods like grilling or baking to reduce oil consumption.

3. Oil-Free Cooking

Stay hydrated by drinking water and herbal teas amidst the festive indulgences.

4. Hydration

Prioritize your mental health with meditation or deep breathing exercises. By incorporating these habits, you can have a joyous and health-conscious Diwali celebration.

5. Mental Well-being

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